popAI Student Photo and Caption Competition
Raising awareness about AI in policing

popAI is organising a Student Photo & Caption Competition to engage and hear from young citizens how Artificial Intelligence is and/or should be used in civil security domain.
Sharing opinions and visions through photos is considered an easy and interactive means for cross-country exchange. Students from diverse disciplines and academic backgrounds are invited to reflect on concerns around justice, gender, race, and inequalities and how they understand their connection to AI in policing.
If you are a student, this creative activity is a great opportunity for you to:
The three (3) winners of the popAI Student Photo & Caption Competition will receive, correspondingly:
Deadline 28th February 2023
How to participate:
Step 1: Register to the application in order to take a token for the competition
Step 2: Prepare your photo and the caption
Step 3: Upload your photo in order to complete your participation in the Student Photo and Caption Competition
Eligibility criteria:
Entry submission until 28 th February 2023
The photo must be accompanied by a caption (max 500 characters) reflecting on the captured topic
The language of the applications must be English
The image(s) file type must be in .jpg or .png.
Only one photo can be uploaded on the application by each participant.
Compliance with popAI Privacy Policy guidelines
Accept Terms, Conditions and Rules of Student Photo & Caption Competition
Here are the winners!

2 nd winner
Roxana Robescu-Cercel (Romania)

Title: Technology calls to technology everywhere
Caption: Between the shadows of history figures, a policeman is quietly doing his duty. Hundreds of faces are walking in front of him, while he carefully analyses each one of them, long before an A.I. could. In the background, Millicent Fawcett holds a banner reading “Courage calls to courage everywhere”, in a time in which “Technology calls to technology everywhere”.

1 st winner
Georgia Manolopoulou (Greece)

Title: Unobtrusive monitoring
Caption: Unobtrusive monitoring in public places

3 rd winner
Konstantina Kolliri (Greece)

Title: AI Face Recognition
Caption: AI Face Recognition should be user-friendly, secure and transparent