Gender Diversity Board
Aligned with popAI’s commitment to apply the founding and fundamental values of the European Union, which are respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, the popAI Gender Diversity
Board provided consultation and recommendations so as to ensure that popAI activities grant no discrimination based on gender, age, race, belief, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and religion, with a particular focus on
gender equality at all project activities, both research oriented activities, as well as general project activities and community participation and engagement. popAI has already integrated the gender dimension in the popAI approach
and methodologies, and the Gender Diversity Board foresaw that gender diversity and diversity in general are also sufficiently integrated into the project’s outcomes. The Gender Diversity Board provided consultation for the popAI
synergetic network with relevant initiatives that already exist in the network such as: AI4EU gender group, Women in AI, Diversity Charters across Europe among others. The Gender Diversity Board is chaired by Dr. Xenia Ziouvelou
and is consisted of members of the popAI consortium.

Xenia Ziouvelou – Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos
Dr. Xenia Ziouvelou holds a PhD in Internet Economics & Strategy (scholarship awarded) from the Department of Economics of Lancaster University (UK). Xenia is currently working as the Innovation Officer and a research scientist at the Software and Knoweldge Engineering Lab of the Institute of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) of NCSR “Demokritos” (NCSRD). She is also a visiting academic at the Business School of the University of Southampton (UK) and acts as an external innovation expert for the European Commission. Xenia is a member of the scientific committee of AI4People, Europe’s first Global forum on the social impacts of artificial intelligence, launched by Atomium–European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy (EISMD). She has a long working experience as a senior research scientist, lecturer/Assistant Professor, technology transfer and innovation officer in research and education institutions in UK and in Greece. Xenia has worked as a research scientist and innovation manager in numerous EU-funded research and industrial projects covering diverse thematic areas in the context of innovation and technology-mediated evolution across various industrial sectors. Her principal research interests are in innovation and technological transformation and the way that they revolutionise business, law and policy. Xenia is a working group member of the Creative Commons Greece and holds two open innovation patents (USPO) as the principal investigator.