The Ethics Advisory Board
popAI project has formed an Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) which is responsible -as described in DoA- for providing consultation and suggested rulings in the circumstance that project activities involved Ethics, Privacy and relevant Regulation
implications. The committee oversaw relevant informed consent procedures as well as ethical and data protection authorisations required for the project. The EAB helped define the Project Baseline for Research Ethics (D1.4) against
which all project activities and deliverables have been checked to ensure compliance with all relevant standards for responsible research. Τhe EAB is chaired by the project External Ethics Advisor, Professor Lilian Mitrou and is
consisted of members of the popAI consortium.

Lilian Mitrou – Professor at the University of the Aegean-Greece (Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering) and Visiting Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business and the University of Piraeus (Postgraduate Studies Programs)
Lilian Mitrou is President of the Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL), established by the European Public Law Organization and Editor in Chief of Technology and Communication Law Journal. L. Mitrou studied law in Athens and holds a PhD in Data Protection (Supervisor Spiros Simitis -University of Frankfurt-Germany). She was Advisor to the Greek Prime Minister Prof. K. Simitis (Information Society, Public Administration/ Institutions, Independent Administrative/Supervisory Authorities) and was Member of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (1999-2003) as well as of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of privacy and data protection, communications law, e-government etc. During the Greek Presidency of the Council of EU (2014) she has served as Chair of DAPIX (Working Group on Information Exchange and Data Protection). Since November 2016 she is member of the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV). Her professional experience includes senior consulting and researcher positions in a number of private and public institutions and projects on national and international level. L. Mitrou published books, chapters in books and many journal and conference papers (in English, German and Greek).