The Stakeholder Advisory Board
popAI has formed and is supported by the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB), a group of distinguished experts from diverse sectors and sciences including: LEAs, civil society, AI scientists, social sciences and humanities experts. The SAB offers a valuable external and independent view, effectively enhancing popAI group with additional expertise and know-how on aspects of the use of AI in civil security, while also extending the project’s EU geographical coverage.
SAB members participate in popAI workshops and dedicated meetings, providing feedback, helpful guidance and validation on project results.
The members of popAI’s SAB are the following:

Donatella Casaburo – KU Leuven Centre for IT and IP Law (CiTiP) – imec
Donatella Casaburo is a legal researcher at the KU Leuven Centre for IT and IP Law (CiTiP). She works on research projects dealing with Artificial Intelligence, (cyber)security and fundamental rights. Donatella is CiTiP’s main researcher in the H2020 project ALIGNER [Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Policing and Law Enforcement]. In ALIGNER, she is responsible for mapping out the current ethics and law landscape concerning AI systems for law enforcement and developing a systematic ethical and legal assessment process for (novel) AI solutions. Donatella holds a cum laude Advanced LL.M. in IP and ICT law from the KU Leuven and a cum laude Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Trieste. Prior to joining CiTiP, Donatella worked as an advocacy officer in Brussels for a law firm specializing in government affairs.
List of publications: Donatella Casaburo (0000-0002-3548-6755) (
Eleftherios CHELIOUDAKIS – Civil Society Expert
Eleftherios is a lawyer admitted to practice in Greece, specializing in the impact of technology-led policing and border management activities on human rights. He holds a LLB from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, a LL.M in Law & Technology from Tilburg University Law School (valedictorian) and an Advanced MSc in Digital Humanities from KU Leuven Computer Science School. Eleftherios is member of expert groups, such as the EDPB pool of experts on Data Protection, the Scientific Network of the International Observatory on Vulnerable People in Data Protection (VULNERA), and the Europol Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN). Finally, he is a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) at IAPP, holding CIPP/E, CIPM & CIPT certifications.

Michael COOKE – Head of Department of Phychology & Director of Edward M. Kennedy Institute for Peace and Conflict Intervention Maynooth University
Dr Michael Cooke is Lecturer in Applied Psychology at Maynooth. He is primarily interested in the application of psychological and social scientific knowledge, theories, and methods to address the challenges and opportunities that face us in our everyday lives. This includes our working lives as well as our participation in society more broadly, ranging from local to international contexts of social interaction and engagement. As a researcher he is particularly interested in that specific set of challenges that we confront when interacting with technology. Technology is something that radically mediates how we interact with the physical, the social, the cultural worlds and of course the virtual. All of these aspects of life are part of our personal and shared ecological systems and need to be explored in constructive and holistic ways and they have an impact not only on our behavioural, cognitive and emotional states, but also on our sense of identity and agency.
Philip ENGSTRÖM – Research and development coordinator at Swedish National Forensic Centre
Philip Engström is an experienced developer, scientist and leader and has been working in the computer science field for almost two decades. His specialties include image processing, AI, visualisation and VR, and his work has contributed to Stanford’s autonomous driving team successful efforts in the DARPA Grand Challenge as well as defense research projects together with NASA JPL. Philip enjoy tackling seemingly impossible problems using novel combinations of cutting edge software and hardware, working in high performing agile teams and constantly striving for producing solutions indistinguishable from magic. Today Philip work as a research and development coordinator at the Swedish National Forensic Centre where he is responsible for external projects.

Ezgi EREN – KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP)
Ezgi Eren works at KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) since September 2021 as a doctoral researcher. Before joining CiTiP, she worked as a lawyer at a Turkish law firm for two years between 2015-2017. In 2018, she was awarded the Chevening Scholarship by the UK Government to do an LL.M. at the University of Edinburgh on Innovation, Technology and the Law. Afterwards, she pursued a second LL.M. at Istanbul Bilgi University and volunteered as a researcher at the university’s IT Law Institute. In her current position at CiTiP, she researches the topic “Legal standards for AI-evidence in cross-border criminal matters” for her PhD studies, and takes an active role in the H2020 project STARLIGHT, focusing on the legal and ethical aspects of the development and use of AI tools by European LEAs.
Philippe PUGINIER – Research Center of the French National Police Academy (CRENSP)
Philippe PUGINIER is a French Police Commander. Currently assigned to the Research Center of the French National Police Academy (CRENSP), he ensures the planning, coordination, and valorisation of several research projects. To date, his 28 years of service have been divided in four main areas : Forensic Science (Signal Processing Expert), Organised Crime (Chief of Drugs Trafficking Units), INTERPOL Specialised Officer (Organised Crime, Project Manager, Trainer), and the Research Center of the National Police Academy.