TechEthos Ethical Issues Outline

popAI has joined the online cluster meeting organised by Project TechEthos on ethical and legal issues related to the use of new technologies. The meeting was hosted by Eurecnet, with the active participation of several consortium members.

Representatives from TechEthos introduced some of the results of their research, focusing on values and principles applicable to the three fields the project deals with, namely Virtual and Extended Reality, Neurotechnologies and Climate change. Participants were asked to provide their inputs on values and principles based on their experience and the peculiar work carried out in their projects. It is interesting to notice how some issues related to the ethical sphere (e.g. privacy, respect of fundamental rights, accountability, etc.) recurrently emerge across projects, despite the specific research area. The webinar also covered legal aspects, stressing the differences and peculiarities of codes, frameworks and guidelines while investigating the specific legal and regulatory frameworks taken into consideration by the other projects.

popAI participated in the event, fostering the debate on values and principles and presenting the inclusive approach of our project. It was an interesting and fruitful opportunity to engage with other research projects, comparing methods and perspectives while identifying ground for further joint activities.
